Kennewick, WA Home Care Management
Care Management
Care management in Kennewick, WA
Why You Need A Care Manager
Is your parent confused, driving unsafely, had a recent fall, not paying bills on time? Are they forgetting to take their medications? Does the report they give you after seeing the doctor not add up? Are they struggling to keep up with household tasks?
Are you losing sleep, taking time off work to take them to appointments or pick up meds/groceries? Are you missing your kids’ sporting events, struggling to keep your own life organized, and feeling overwhelmed because you can’t be everything for everyone?
Care Management will bring peace to your liFe and joy to your senior loved one
You need a professional Care Manager. Our team of professionals will assess the situation, determine the needs and develop a customized care plan to ensure positive outcomes for your loved one. From there, your Care Manager will prioritize needs, set up services, and make necessary referrals to appropriate resources. They will communicate with you every step of the way and welcome as much or as little involvement as you want.
Tri Cities Care management
How Our Care Managers Help You and Your Family
Our Care Managers help you manage stress and burnout. They’re your eyes and ears who check in on your loved one to ensure they are doing well. Our Care Managers In Kennewick have extensive knowledge of local resources, so they coordinate a variety of services to help your loved one, including:
Aging education and planning
Assistance with insurance benefits
Daily chores
Home maintenance
Hospital and/or rehab discharge planning & coordination
Housing support between residential settings
Make recommendations for in-home caregiving
Personalized plan of care
Power of attorney
Safety and fall prevention assessments
Seasonal care
Set up shopping and meal delivery
Support when downsizing homes
Care Management Services You Need
Who Is Home Care Management In Kennewick For?
Families who want guidance about in-home care options
Families wanting to respect their loved ones’ wishes to remain safe and independent at home
Seniors or disabled adults who need medication set-up, appointment coordination, a professional to manage the day-to-day operations of the home (i.e. grocery delivery, housekeeping services, bill pay, etc)
Seniors needing assistance getting insurance benefits started; such as long-term-care insurance or VA benefits